ⓅⒶⓎⓅⒶⓊⓁ: Chinese New Years Parade Wuhan Stay Strong
VascoPress Comunicações: Secretary of State John Kerry on the Death of Luke Somers - IMG_8313
VascoPress Comunicações: Letter from President Obama to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate - IMG_4777
VascoPress Comunicações: U.S. Military Conducts Airstrikes Against ISIL Near the Mosul Dam - IMG_4506
VascoPress Comunicações: American Operations in Iraq: Weekly Address by President Barack Obama - IMG_4526
VascoPress Comunicações: President Barack Obama authorizes U.S. Armed Forces to conduct targeted airstrikes in Iraq - IMG_1126
VascoPress Comunicações: Update on Humanitarian Assistance Operations Near Sinjar, Iraq - IMG_5590
VascoPress Comunicações: Secretary John Kerry Welcomes Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman at the State Department - IMG_1085
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VascoPress Comunicações: MERCOSUR - Comunicado Conjunto de los Presidentes de los Estados Partes (2) - IMG_1030
VascoPress Comunicações: United States Strategy To Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence Globally - IMG_5572
VascoPress Comunicações: Further Sanctions Under the Iran Sanctions Act - IMG_8313
VascoPress Comunicações: Designation of Hezbollah for Supporting the Syrian Regime - IMG_5590
VascoPress Comunicações: Boletim Diplomático do Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Brasil N° 183 - IMG_0734
VascoPress Comunicações: Coordinator for Counterterrorism Ambassador Daniel Benjamin and Special Advisor to the Secretary on Camp Ashraf Ambassador Daniel Fried on the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) Designation and the Current Situation at Camp Ashraf - IMG_5591
VascoPress Comunicações: Building Strong States, Economies & Societies in the Western Balkans - IMG_8313
VascoPress Comunicações: Key U.S. Outcomes at the UN Human Rights Council 20th Session - IMG_8327
VascoPress Comunicações: Major Non-NATO Ally Status for Afghanistan - IMG_8320
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fiction~dreamer.●๋•: Amnesty Day of Action ~ Syria
VascoPress Comunicações: Brasil e os EUA Expressam Consternação pelo Assassinato do Ex-Presidente do Afeganistão - IMG_3938
VascoPress Comunicações: Opening Remarks by President Barack Obama on Open Government Partnership - IMG_4547
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