• Delphine •: Fleur bleue
• Delphine •: Les pages de nos amours
• Delphine •: Véronique de Perse
• Delphine •: Renaissance
Traveling with Simone: Morlaix. Houses below the viaduct.
Traveling with Simone: Orléans. Jardin des plantes.
Traveling with Simone: San Francisco. Golden Gate Park Japanese Tea Garden. Gate to Paradise.
Traveling with Simone: Washington DC. Capitol
bybeer: Street Art
• Delphine •: Les fleurs du mal - Charles Baudelaire
bybeer: Pierre Loti Hill...
bybeer: Kiss The Sunset
bybeer: Bamboo
bybeer: Candle smoke!!!
Traveling with Simone: Fougères. Forteresse - Fortress. Moulins. Four mills
Traveling with Simone: CHEZ SIMONE. Crêpes bretonnes.
Traveling with Simone: Rennes, Bretagne - Brittany. Tired old Medieval home leaning to the left.
Traveling with Simone: California. Caspar beach house. Modern architecture.
Traveling with Simone: Happy Mother's Day. Joyeuse fête des Mères!
mykmendez: mirror image @ gardens by the bay
mykmendez: Star Wars @ Gardens by the Bay
mykmendez: Star Wars @ Gardens by the Bay
Traveling with Simone: California. Sutter Buttes Mountain Range.
Traveling with Simone: Mount Konocti and Clearlake under the clouds. (The level of the water is quite high this year.)
Traveling with Simone: San Francisco. Fairmont Hotel. Chanukiah
Traveling with Simone: Saint-Malo, ramparts
mykmendez: the flatiron building
mykmendez: Alone
Traveling with Simone: Let the wind spread my dreams. Mes rêves s'envolent au souffle du vent.
Traveling with Simone: Sur mon pupitre de musique. On my music stand.