Curt Milton: Bumblebee
Curt Milton: Wood fern
Curt Milton: Green frog
Curt Milton: Block Island sunrise
Curt Milton: Male sharp-shinned hawk
RIBirdHunter: Black-capped Night Heron
RIBirdHunter: Yellow Warbler (juvenile)
RIBirdHunter: Rose-breasted Grosbeak female
RIBirdHunter: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
RIBirdHunter: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Curt Milton: Bumblebee
RIBirdHunter: Summer Brook
RIBirdHunter: American Oystercatcher
RIBirdHunter: Spotted Sandpiper
Curt Milton: Clayhead at Block Island, R.I.
Curt Milton: Red-winged blackbird
Curt Milton: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
RIBirdHunter: Ovenbird Singing
Curt Milton: Red-winged blackbird
Curt Milton: Red maple
ms2thdr: It's just a step to the left
Doug_McGrady: Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit), Arcadia, West Greeniwch, RI
Doug_McGrady: The birth of a Fagus grandifolia (American beech) and its weird cotyledons, Arcadia, West Greenwich, RI
Doug_McGrady: Carex leptalea (bristly-stalk sedge), Arcadia, West Greenwich, RI
Doug_McGrady: Carex leptalea (bristly-stalk sedge), Arcadia, West Greenwich, RI
Doug_McGrady: Polygala paucifolia (fringed milkwort, gaywings), Big River Management Area, West Greenwich, RI.
Doug_McGrady: Polygala paucifolia (fringed milkwort, gaywings), Big River Management Area, West Greenwich, RI.
Doug_McGrady: Amelanchier laevis (smooth serviceberry, smooth shadbush), Arcadia, Exeter, RI. One of several Amelanchier in the state. Can grow to be a small tree.
Doug_McGrady: Caltha palustris (marsh-marigold), Arcadia, West Greenwich, RI
Doug_McGrady: Anemone americana (blunt-lobed hepatica), Arcadia, Exeter, RI. State Threatened.