WoSS-Art: 20201228 Coming and going water on the coastal sand
WoSS-Art: 20201227 Besen auf Asthaufen / Brooms on a pile of branches
WoSS-Art: 20201228 Bernsteine / 安柏斯 / Ambers
WoSS-Art: 20201224 Wassertropfen am Gartentor / Drops of water on the garden gate
Body Steph: palmier
MeBlaffu: Imperfect Love
MeBlaffu: Oil Art
amoritz57: Drops
amoritz57: Rose hip and drops
vrivieccio: Un día en el parque
oneplusfive531: after the rain
luigi..pt: DSC_2902
luigi..pt: DSC_0891
luigi..pt: New Image555
luigi..pt: DSC_2943
alexandergörlich: Drops of water placed on Matchsick
alexandergörlich: Drops of water placed on Match
alexandergörlich: Drops of Water on Feather
alexandergörlich: Drops of Water on Feather
alexandergörlich: Drops of Water placed on Feather
fooffi12: Rainy day vol.2
vrivieccio: cigno d'acqua
Noxdeguerne: Goutte d'eau
Giuseppe Oricchio: Fiore riflesso nelle gocce (Flower reflex in the drops)
Giuseppe Oricchio: Fiori riflessi in una goccia (Flowers reflex in a drop)
vijeshk: Time to get relief from hot weather !