Nokton48: XX Loaded into four cameras and backs
Nokton48: XX 500ELM 80mm A12 Meter Prism
4foot2: Insignificant
Nokton48: Makiflex 9x12 Voigtlander Plate Holder Maki Plate Back D23
4foot2: To Heaven
4foot2: Seat
Nokton48: White Shark Closeup 2 Newport Aquarium SRT100 58 1.2 HP5 1600
Nokton48: White Shark Closeup 1 Newport Aquarium SRT100 58 1.2 HP5 1600
Nokton48: 6x9 Plaubel Makiflex Ilford PanF Plus D23 1 to 1
Nokton48: FOBA ARTEO New to Me
Nokton48: White Shark Newport Aquarium SRT100 58 1.2 HP5 1600
Nokton48: Breaching Whale Newport Aquarium SRT100 58 1.2 HP5 1600
Nokton48: Shell Peco Jr 180mm f5.6 Fuji GX680 PanF+ D23
Nokton48: 180mm f5.6 GX680 Peco Jr Makina 6.5x9cm PanF+ D23
4foot2: Tread
thomas.a.booth: Under the Bridge
thomas.a.booth: Armstrong
Nokton48: 70mm Kodak WL Surveillance Film D23 1:1 20' 62F
Nokton48: 70mm Kodak WL Surveillance Film D23 1:1 20' 62F
4foot2: White
Nokton48: Reprint DII Rock Bridge 2
Nokton48: Testing new C22 105DS Shanghai 220 D23