elzorro_1408: inbound8814751464093072922
elzorro_1408: inbound691832360946694197
elzorro_1408: inbound8117199881978798520
elzorro_1408: inbound8219291508956669186
elzorro_1408: inbound9108242716437070854
FoThoMe: Kites in the sky
youflykites: Extended wing cody
Peter L.98: Short wing Cody
Freddy Stapersma: IMG_20180713_155434
Freddy Stapersma: pocketbook cody. model from 1905
Freddy Stapersma: 20180204_140324
Freddy Stapersma: 20171001102918_IMG_4756
bijennest75: verry special delta with compound Cody flying gracefully
bijennest75: DSCF2023
Freddy Stapersma: 20170324_111938
bijennest75: Big beehive flying happily together with Cody in Renesse, Holland
Peter L.98: DSC_0593
Peter L.98: DSC_0577
bijennest75: DSCF0625
bijennest75: DSCF0613
bijennest75: Toon Hannink with one of his Cody's. Kas Horn helping at the back of the kite.
bijennest75: Toon Hannink with Nikel kite
bijennest75: Young admirer posing in front of Toon Hanninks Cody
bijennest75: Cody kite in Scheveningen
bijennest75: IMG_4287a
bijennest75: IMG_4290a
Mattnh: Cody Manlifter XL