SSand: Lost vehicle
cdnh: 002P3193745s-005
SSand: Decay
SSand: Decay
SSand: Decay
SSand: Decay
SSand: Decay
SSand: Decay
SSand: Nature taking back it's space
SSand: The all seing eyes
SSand: Flowers
SSand: S.A. Fertilitatea
SSand: Two sides
SSand: The gate of oblivion
SSand: Catching the waves
SSand: Crime scene
SSand: The diggers
SSand: Loneliness
SSand: Loneliness
SSand: Favorit
SSand: Favorit
Lorena Stoica: The universe of me
cdnh: Maybe the last rose, maybe the last visitor ... (thnx FJ)
cdnh: " a ruginit frunza din vii ..."
cdnh: "The rule of thirds"
© Cristian ツ: Curcubeu
zedworks: Nikon 50mm/1.8D on the cheap, with a catch
cdnh: Solitude
cdnh: Privire spre trecut / Glimpse to the past / Regard au passe
cdnh: " FRUNZE " / " LEAVES "