U-77: Schuttebreek
@karel evenhuis: I Don't Know Why We Are Here
U-77: There is no off season
@karel evenhuis: The Persistence of Memory
@karel evenhuis: The Gift
U-77: Ilperveld
@karel evenhuis: The Green Sign
@karel evenhuis: Halleluja #2
@karel evenhuis: God is Lost and Needs our Help
Temari 09: Susan's Golden Treasure
@karel evenhuis: Too Good to be True
@karel evenhuis: I'll do my Loving in the Winter
@karel evenhuis: L'enfer, c'est les Autres
Bill Dreit: Reflection in a tuba
@karel evenhuis: Oh oh oh oh...
@karel evenhuis: The Rigidity of an Idea
Bill Dreit: Happy Birthday with sparklers!!
@karel evenhuis: You Forgot to Answer
U-77: The poles of the North Sea
SvenFauth: Butterfly, Costa Rica
U-77: Briefmarke
U-77: Pillarization
Bill Dreit: Field Lights Close-up