wasatchreflections: Draper Temple
emilyheizerphotography {Emily}: Oakland Temple Wedding
KkleinRN: DSC01847 kk rd
icebiker: AJ & Ashley
LDSBookstore.com: Las Vegas LDS Temple Wedding
LDSBookstore.com: Mount Timpanogos LDS Temple Wedding
KkleinRN: Emily and Isaac fav-20kkrd
Osthed: Flowers
Osthed: The Kiss
tmac97slc: Salt Lake Temple Couple
tmac97slc: Salt Lake Temple Couple
icebiker: AJ_20110408_0117
icebiker: Brent and Carol
icebiker: AJ and Ashley
hastings_original91: Wedding 017
hastings_original91: wedding 140
hastings_original91: wedding 2134
paxmanphotography: IMG_8171-566-Edit-Edit
paxmanphotography: IMG_8201-596-Edit-Edit
paxmanphotography: IMG_0776-281-Edit-2
paxmanphotography: IMG_0141-118.jpg
paxmanphotography: NickSky1-101
paxmanphotography: JonathanAlyssa9-107
rusty_tripod: Alpha Male Posturing. Bride beware.
rusty_tripod: Three generations.