When lost in.....: Speckled Bomber
Malena_c: Flying
When lost in.....: Chillin' On A Lazy Afternoon
When lost in.....: Double Trouble
When lost in.....: Soft and Yellow
Monika Kostera (urbanlegend): Window with dove
Monika Kostera (urbanlegend): The birds of Sarajevo
R A Pyke (SweRon): A boy and his bird
Aamir Hussain: IMG_4540
**AB**: Sturnus vulgaris
Monika Kostera (urbanlegend): Blackbird from Belper
Monika Kostera (urbanlegend): Protesters in Nicosia
**AB**: Zilvermeeuw | Larus argentatus
When lost in.....: Stuck Away In the Corner
When lost in.....: Who You Lookin' At
When lost in.....: Stripes on the Beach
R A Pyke (SweRon): In an urban winter
When lost in.....: Tweetin' Away