Tisv: B/W Swans Square Fractal
Tisv: Swans Square Fractal Octagon
Tisv: es_mixed_space_1440
Tisv: Quintets of Three Flowers
Tisv: dsrm3_a3b5_8k_fish_c_all_v2_y_cr
Tisv: circle_sp_fish_blue_green_13_8_bgf_cr
Tisv: circle_sp_fish_orange_green_13_8_bgf_cr
Tisv: circle_sp_fish_pink_green_13_8_bgf_cr
Tisv: filled_template_v5_hyper_bg_6k_80_cr
fame&obscurity: Palacio de Valle, Cienfuego, Cuba
Tisv: Earth Wheels
Tisv: Share Wheels Spiral
Tisv: From coolblue to hotred
Tisv: Fish Sphere Surface
Tisv: Orange Blue Fish Loxodromes
Tisv: Twin Parrots
Tisv: Tree Nymph Butterfly
Tisv: Cat?
Tisv: Seagull Loxodromic Spirals
faateh.khan6: Discovered and folded by me.
faateh.khan6: Discovered and folded by me.
faateh.khan6: My Tessellation
dtw42: Peter Rabbit and Mr. MacGregor
dtw42: Man and Parrot
dtw42: Olympians
dtw42: Strolling Men
dtw42: Thugs
dtw42: Kiwi
markuseng90: Untitled - study in tessellation and color.
markuseng90: Tesselation