M.M.Löewe: I saw this in Amersfoort
M.M.Löewe: Grisha Bruskin
M.M.Löewe: Verzameling keppels
lanaost: P1180483-001
lanaost: P1180454-002
susiecue22002: polymer clay chai on gessobord
Traveling with Simone: San Francisco. Fairmont Hotel. Chanukiah
DesignKippah: Jewish kippot yarmulkes. Robertson ancient tartan. Made by DesignKippah.com
DesignKippah: l-kippot
DesignKippah: Kippah for Passover
DesignKippah: Kippah for Passover
DesignKippah: kippah for Passover
Traveling with Simone: Happy Purim. Chag Purim Sameach!
DesignKippah: Jewish kippah yarmulke
DesignKippah: Jewish kippah yarmulke
DesignKippah: Jewish kippah yarmulke
tamishvat: Romantic entrance
Traveling with Simone: Ukrainian cross stitch, lettering by Simone
Traveling with Simone: CHEZ SIMONE. BLUE. Latkes - pancakes, apple sauce... Enjoy!
susiecue22002: polymer clay hamsa
susiecue22002: polymer clay hamsa
susiecue22002: polymer clay hamsa
Traveling with Simone: Passover. Cover w/pockets designed and embroidered by Simone
susiecue22002: polymer clay tree of life
Angela.B: Geometric Style
Angela.B: Kadishman Style
lanaost: Plastic bags crochet in water
lanaost: Upcycling glass
lanaost: trash
lanaost: еврейский оберег