antonychammond: Blocking Out the Sun!
LooknFeel: IMG_1993
LooknFeel: Homage to Mondrian's Apple Trees
LooknFeel: Shattered
Jose F. Sosa: Remember The Future Series Abstract Sci-Fi Art - Mixed Media - Title “Cities in the Sky 090”
Jose F. Sosa: JFS-Sci-Fi-004
Jose F. Sosa: JFS-Sci-Fi-010
Jose F. Sosa: JFS-Sci-Fi-011
LooknFeel: Into the Mystic
antonychammond: Sometimes An Abstraction Can Come Naturally!
antonychammond: Curls, Swirls, Curves and Circles
LooknFeel: IMG_8192
LooknFeel: Point Reyes
antonychammond: The Ghost in the Machine
antonychammond: Even A Six-Year-Old Grandson Can Be Driven to Abstraction!
LooknFeel: Hairy
LooknFeel: IMG_5872
LooknFeel: Delamination
LooknFeel: Only Paint
LooknFeel: Down the Long Short Corridors
LooknFeel: Bark
LooknFeel: Drinking to Abstraction
LooknFeel: Afternoon #2
Jose F. Sosa: Postcards from the edge
LooknFeel: Splash
LooknFeel: Plastic Bag