adamnsinger: Dotty the Deerhound at 4 months
adamnsinger: oh no a puppy picutre! New puppy Deerhound arrives
adamnsinger: Heartwood Forrest
adamnsinger: Deerhound in there some where.
adamnsinger: Bertie, Sottish Deerhound,
adamnsinger: Bertie
adamnsinger: Bertie"are you coming or just pointing that box at me ?"
adamnsinger: ???? Dog puzzled by 'Ape' practices.
Vegan Feast Catering: Kyle & Watson
Vegan Feast Catering: Jamie, Maida and Misty
Vegan Feast Catering: Pat, Duncan and Jamie
Vegan Feast Catering: Misty and Pat
Vegan Feast Catering: Shanid's Jamie Justin with Pat