Brad HK: dramatic
Nudie♥Photography: Free my mind,rise up my creativity!
Victor Bautista: In Causewaybay
Fred @ SG: Dragon boat competition at Bedok Reservoir
Fred @ SG: Dinner at Minority Ethnic Restaurant, Hanoi
Fred @ SG: Serve with a smile!
Fred @ SG: Kota Kinabalu Filipino Market by the sea
J Catlett: Happy New Year
Nudie♥Photography: My new curly hair
swanky: 果子
shigemi: 一羽
E.C.A. Studio: Untitled
Fred @ SG: Chatuchak Market
swanky: 果子
shigemi: Target III
shigemi: Target II
congkiet: Thu_7
congkiet: Thu_12
congkiet: Thu_1
Victor Bautista: Danielle
jump-jump: DSC_1577-1
jump-jump: DSC_1647
jump-jump: DSC_1704
swanky: Daphny