grillig88: Giganti
grillig88: Sant'Elia
amtrips: Clouds over Bangalore...
Carmelo61 PhotoPassion Thanks: L'accidia tiene gli uomini così inebriati e oscuri, come il fumo tiene quelle parti alle quali egli si avvolge. Giovanni Boccaccio (Fonte sconosciuta)
Pants Photography: From under Brooklyn Bridge
Slamdo: Henry, king of the ocean
PuddleBoat: P4170009
MaliinW: flower
robert suhonen photography: Before I Sleep..
Mrs Helter Skelter: Mikey the Mutant Mushroom
Diana Kotori (♡ SS): El escondite perfecto
Il linguaggio degli alberi di Ciampi e Cannizzaro: lungo il lungo vestibolo / s'affacciano martirio e patibolo - le long du long vestibule / se montrent le martyre et l'échafaud (Eugenio De Signoribus)
Hammonton Photography: [my dad is a riot!]
patart00: branch & shadow 2
Tomi Jarva: What Happened to Dale?
Canis Major: Weston Helicopter Museum
G-Wizz-Pix: Shopping Trolleys
nadia.dejong81: kom van dat dak af
bike2chemnitz: on the train
EricK_1968: Statue Rocky Balboa (Philadelphia)
G-Wizz-Pix: Raindrops
madbakerc: Flame
Canis Major: Danger of Volty Death
into the unknown: the largest wotsits ive ever seen in my life, courtesy of the small cornershop
Diana Kotori (♡ SS): Farol del Jardín Guerrero y Cúpula de Santa Clara
The 2-Belo: WTF
CrazyChicken2009: Countryside