scottferrede: Walked North towards #Goderich along the shore of #lakeHuron just to watch the sunset. I was not dissapointed. #OntariosWestCoast #CottagLife #discoverOntario
Conrad Kuiper: Bayfield Marina
scottferrede: Lake Huron Bayfield Ontario
scottferrede: The last of the ice on #lakeHuron #Bayfield #OntariosWestCoast
scottferrede: Watching the sun come up across the fields in Southern #Ontario #CountryLife #CottageLife #OntariosWestCoast
scottferrede: #Lighting #LakeHuron #Bayfield #Goderich #Adventure_Ontario #cottagelife
scottferrede: Moonset on #LakeHuron #Bayfield #Ontario #CottageLife
scottferrede: #LakeHuron #Sunset #CottageLife #DiscoverOntario #Bayfield
scottferrede: Stoned #Bayfield #cottagelife #discoverOn #lakeHuron
scottferrede: Night Surf.B&W Photo Challenge Day 3 Rules: Post One Black-and-White still image a day for 5 days; and nominate a new photographer each day to partake in the challenge. I nominate Mike Good to take the challenge #LakeHuron #Bayfield #Goderich #Adventure_O
scottferrede: Ice melt on #LakeHuron #Ontarioswestcoast #Goderich
scottferrede: Moon set on #lakehuron #OntariosWestCoast #Bayfield
scottferrede: Stumped on Stumped on #LakeHuron #OntariosWestCoast #Longexposure #Bayfield #Ontario
scottferrede: Ice melt on #LakeHuron #Ontarioswestcoast #Goderich
pal.dennis: IMG_2016.jpg
pal.dennis: IMG_1908.jpg
pal.dennis: IMG_1939.jpg
pal.dennis: IMG_1917.jpg
Conrad Kuiper: Windmill Powered Sawmill
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: if I just kiss him...maybe
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: View from a dirty shed
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Horses on the horizon
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Barns in Huron County
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: My other brother Darrell
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Bayfield countryside
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: I call her Sparkles
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Windmill in Bayfield
willowbrookfarm: Swim Tower