Hugh_Jack@ss: Reince Priebus EPIC JAIL!
oztographer: Quiet!
Vaguely Artistic: LA Times Epic QA/proofing FAIL! Isn't there a pre-flight check for dummy text?!
Wmxdesign: Paul Ryan (Rep. R-WI):: Obstructionist Republican Clown
Wmxdesign: Mark Sanford (Gov. R-SC):: Obstructionist Republican Clown
Wmxdesign: Michele Bachmann (Rep. R-MN):: Obstructionist Republican Clown
Wmxdesign: Lindsey Graham (Sen. R-SC):: Obstructionist Republican Clown
Wmxdesign: Cheney Spiderman ------------- Drunk 'n Fat
Hugh_Jack@ss: Bang for the Buck IMG_0407
Sean Robertson: What was McCain thinking?
Jonny Vliet: Cat-Iraq's
STENZSKULL: "and the task that lay ahead"
joaquin67: LOL McCain
UnkleLuc: politics as usual
UnkleLuc: George W. Dracula
Wmxdesign: McCain Palin Button III
Wmxdesign: McCain Button - Get Off My Lawn
Wmxdesign: Obama Biden Button I
goldberg: Nikolai as Zombie McCain
nyquil_dreams: MAVERICK???
Wmxdesign: Cow Head Collage - Lesser Demon Karl Rove
polishrondo: American Fall Scenery
polishrondo: American Fall Scenery
sincitykitty07: thorazine
polishrondo: My Best Shopping Trip....Ever
polishrondo: Reformer; Somewhat, Sometimes
polishrondo: Republican 2008 Septic Tank Cleaners