donnyvanderblom: “Here we and all who shall hereafter live in freedom will be reminded that to these men and their comrades we owe a debt to be paid with grateful remembrance of their sacrifice and with the high resolve that the cause for which they died shall live”
donnyvanderblom: Alvar Aalto University metrostation
Nick and Karen Munroe: AUGUST 2018 NGM_8322_4963-3-222
donnyvanderblom: "Moving along"
Nick and Karen Munroe: NOVEMBER 2020 _5722_NGM_8344-1-222
donnyvanderblom: "The innocence slips away"
donnyvanderblom: Metro station Kamppi, Helsinki
Nick and Karen Munroe: APRIL 2023 _14907_NGM_7305-1-222
donnyvanderblom: Mad Rabbit, Prague
donnyvanderblom: Turning torso, Malmö, Sweden
Nick and Karen Munroe: AUGUST 2017 NM1_4885_1113-1-222
Nick and Karen Munroe: APRIL 2023 _14767_NGM_7165-1-222
Nick and Karen Munroe: APRIL 2023 _14911_NGM_7309-1-222
donnyvanderblom: Splash of light
donnyvanderblom: Winter wonderland
donnyvanderblom: Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland
Nick and Karen Munroe: FEBRUARY 2020 _2011_NGM_5019-1-222
donnyvanderblom: Blue Planet, Copenhagen, Denmark
donnyvanderblom: Linnanmäki theme park, Helsinki
donnyvanderblom: Øresund Bridge, Sweden side
Nick and Karen Munroe: SEPTEMBER 2020 _4453_NGM_7075-1-222
donnyvanderblom: Pasila, Helsinki, Finland
donnyvanderblom: Kalasatama, Helsinki, Finland
Nick and Karen Munroe: AUGUST 2017 NM1_4712_941-1-222
Nick and Karen Munroe: AUGUST 2017 NM1_4572_811-1-222
AllThingsRenoDotNet: Burning Man Art - Playa Plaza Sculptures
AllThingsRenoDotNet: Burning Man Art - Playa Plaza Sculptures
AllThingsRenoDotNet: Burning Man Art - Playa Plaza Sculptures
Unoriginally Unique: Rising To The Misty Ranges
donnyvanderblom: Cathedral of Helsinki