caverjules :o): Take Action! I'm thankful for my right to take a stand for what I believe in.
Grin and Barrett: Obama Speech Bridges Abrahamic Divide
DawnOne: HOTDOCSsm_20090510_081
DawnOne: HOTDOCSsm_20090510_080
DawnOne: In memory of Gaza's dead and injured children
DawnOne: Rally to bring Omar Khadr back to Canada
caverjules :o): It's About Time
Tasha-Rose: Our Message to Obama
Grin and Barrett: The scoop on the REAL Obama
DawnOne: Obama Recruiters at Toronto's Caribana Parade
DawnOne: Obama Supporter at Caribana 2008
DawnOne: Supporter at Caribana 2008 Wearing Obama button
SignFire: AI Students and Obama Supporters 06
SignFire: Stand For Something...
SignFire: Tyler Perry at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale
SignFire: Hillary Voters For Obama
Tasha-Rose: Obama Mama