idontdofast: 2005 Fiesta Bowl
idontdofast: 2005 Fiesta Bowl
UnofficialMarchingUtes: Goodbye Seniors
UnofficialMarchingUtes: Drum Major II
UnofficialMarchingUtes: Back to the Bus
UnofficialMarchingUtes: Around the Fountain
Blacksmith369: It's Football Time...Go Utes
Photography by Mike Schmidt: Derrick Shelby 2011
Photography by Mike Schmidt: Tailgating with The MUSS
Photography by Mike Schmidt: Ute Walk to play Montana St.
Photography by Mike Schmidt: Leading the Band
Photography by Mike Schmidt: The Marching Utes
Photography by Mike Schmidt: Ute Fans in The MUSS
Photography by Mike Schmidt: The Pride of Utah
Photography by Mike Schmidt: Fired Up in the Band