chronic-shock: Samy in the orange shades
chronic-shock: It's a family affair
chronic-shock: 28/365 His future's sooo bright...
chronic-shock: solace....cooler than a polar bear's toenails
Samer Farha: Sunglasses at Night
Samer Farha: Among Her Adoring Fans
chronic-shock: Mr Orange
Mr_Darling: Orange you glad I didn't say banana?
Mr_Darling: Tia in the sun
Mr_Darling: Week 27/52: Shady
Bsivad: Happy Drink
raphie: Notice the glasses - week 47 of 52
sally henny penny: me and the sunnies
sally henny penny: mustachioed
sally henny penny: greg with orange sunnies
akkleis: 0831081555.jpg
akkleis: 083108-1-34
akkleis: Au revoir, orange sunglasses....
picture prefect: it's 24 hours of flickr!!!
picture prefect: vacation!
picture prefect: moo MiniCards!
picture prefect: sunglasses...