hellboys_master: cruz órgiva anomalia
hellboys_master: burritos alpujarra anomalia
hellboys_master: anomalía clibertad órgiva
Studio d'Xavier: The Little Creatures that Crash Landed in my Garden
Studio d'Xavier: The Shiny Thing that Crash Landed in the Garden Early this Morning
Studio d'Xavier: When Extraterrestrials Land on Your Wall
hellboys_master: pedro marquez bermejo,parte de la fortuna de uno de mis tios
hellboys_master: Denuncia posible MKUltra,
hellboys_master: PSOE CIA bono
hellboys_master: ORBE Flicrk,Blog,Semana Santa Yashica 2018-991
EdZiomek: NASA Mars: central, City-Scape
EdZiomek: More Mars Habitat and Portraiture, courtesy of NASA
EdZiomek: NASA Apollo 17 in 1972, Last Moon Landing for the United States
EdZiomek: NASA Apollo 17, Portraiture Details (my amateur interpretations)
EdZiomek: NASA Mercury Image: Human Habitats and Portraiture
EdZiomek: If this is truly Mars, from NASA? Then we have human-like habitat features which are visible!
EdZiomek: NASA-Mercury: Portraiture around the Rim of an Impact Crater
EdZiomek: Woman on Mars: Deciphering the Fiction
EdZiomek: Mars: mega-sized Portraiture
Curt Deatherage: Seen at ...
Curt Deatherage: Ian loved his new friend
tubblesnap: Alien Centre
Abbruxiau: Lightning in Sardinia 15
LeoniArt: The Encounter - oil on canvas by Corrado Leoni
Abbruxiau: DSC_9629
jopperbok: Extraterrestrial trying to sneak out of Area 51 by taking face acting lessons in order to impersonate a human
ruthlesscrab: 314/366 Area 68.46 (Area 51 Converted to Canadian)
SolanoSnapper: IT came to Vallejo!
Apionid: Something strange going on at the Sorting Office