tenugui: 人影まばら歌舞伎座前 kabukiza
tenugui: 半年ぶり歌舞伎座 Kabukiza
tenugui: supporting the handrail Kabukiza
tenugui: 歌舞伎座 黒タク鏡
tenugui: 枝折戸 七段目
tenugui: 高麗屋三代襲名 七段目 枝折戸
tenugui: 正中って感じ 歌舞伎座 kabukiza
tenugui: 車屋さん、まっつぐ行っとくれ。
tenugui: 千穐楽 「千」=1000 .「千穐楽」=Last day of the performance
tenugui: 鶴見線海芝浦駅 Umishibaura St.
toranosuke: Agemaku
toranosuke: Agemaku Curtain
toranosuke: Old Stage Actually Used in Kabuki
toranosuke: Kabuki-za Gallery
toranosuke: Shirabyoshi Costume
toranosuke: Kabuki Music & Sound Effects
toranosuke: Jillian as Shirabyoshi
toranosuke: Kuromisu
toranosuke: Takemoto Gidayu Chanter's Stand
toranosuke: DSC06571
toranosuke: Chanter's Platform
toranosuke: Courtesans' Wigs
toranosuke: DSC06569
toranosuke: DSC06570
toranosuke: DSC06568
toranosuke: Basket of Dry Beans
toranosuke: Kabuki Sound Effects
toranosuke: DSC06563
toranosuke: The Sound of Waves
toranosuke: DSC06564