crosathorian: DSC02368
NY Stormi: 10/52
Pasq67: Finally, the Green Spaceman is complete 💚😍😎
Les Foutch: Inside Bart's head
Les Foutch: Star Wars LEGO Expo
brick_point_of_view: Opss….. new entry
R-One G: Motocross terrain a little different
NY Stormi: 09/52
sander_sloots: Bright light blue rovers. It was fun to play with the SNOT technic. SNOT= Studs Not On Top.
crosathorian: P7180020
sander_sloots: Exploring Earth
Andy Ziegler: Imperial detective aboard the Tantive IV
Andy Ziegler: 'X' is for Xerox
sander_sloots: Rolling railway viaduct
NY Stormi: 08/52
Andy Ziegler: 'R' is for Robin
Brick Police: A growing zombie family (SLR)
sander_sloots: Family rover
Andy Ziegler: 'J' is for Jacks
The Brickdwarf: Arctic hysteria
sander_sloots: Brutalist office rover
genelabo: Jiminy Cricket goes Karwendel
sander_sloots: Skeleton Rover
R-One G: Electronic Box in Repair
EVWEB: OMG... My husband's new car...