hfungus: IMG_20181021_141036
hfungus: IMG_20181021_140749
hfungus: IMG_20181021_141113
hfungus: IMG_20181021_140915
hfungus: IMG_20181021_140744
hfungus: IMG_20181021_141108
hfungus: IMG_20181021_141042
hfungus: IMG_20181021_141127
çavadkp / PJ Pargas aka JP Gaspar: SkeletonExperience_03 (Vénus ?)
Eyellgeteven: My MRI
trakyan: hand
whitehurstemma: Before fixator and after #fixator #xray #charcot #bones
whitehurstemma: #charcot #fixator #xray #foot #bones
whitehurstemma: #charcot #fixator #xray #foot #bones
mariamzf: Not as you thought -_-
mariamzf: Nasty but good to use ^_^
mariamzf: 1236991_10152215232516124_555770284_n
malcolm barker liskeard: my ex rays 001
malcolm barker liskeard: my ex rays 003
ihihihih: OLY10167flik
Xray Buddy: Oberarmfraktur 1
Xray Buddy: Oberarmfraktur 2
Xray Buddy: CT 3D
Xray Buddy: CT 3D
Xray Buddy: Ovarialcyste 4