ossewa: Glowplugs
ossewa: Goose Bay Sunrise
ossewa: Goose Bay Canyon Panorama
mduckitt: Yellow mongoose
mduckitt: There was an english Lord who build a castle in Africa
mduckitt: Ghost town
Felicia Change: Vaal River
Lea Duckitt: Yellow Southern Masked Female Weaver Bird Waiting to Feed her Babies
mduckitt: My friend the white tail mongoose
mduckitt: Red weaverbird
mduckitt: THERE'S a mongoose living in my garden
mduckitt: I see you
mduckitt: What you looking at?
mduckitt: Garden guest
Lea Duckitt: Yellow Mongoose in Our Garden, Deneysville
Lea Duckitt: Yellow Mongoose in our Garden at Deneysville
Lea Duckitt: Pink Clouds, Deneysville
mduckitt: DSC01957 _Snapseed
mduckitt: flare-iphoto-export-355068485
mduckitt: flare-iphoto-export-353781376
mduckitt: DSC01459 _Snapseed
ossewa: Old Machine
adelbeukes: True Friend
adelbeukes: let stories happen (Day 307 of 365)
adelbeukes: Meet Sy (Day 286)
adelbeukes: made in heaven (Day 289 of 365)
adelbeukes: scouting (Day 288 of 365)
adelbeukes: D287_lost in its brilliance
adelbeukes: a taste of africa (Day 269)