Carol Cohn: 5D247087-Multicolor-jet-with-multiple-collisions-umbrella-and-crown
geogblog2: Spring Bay [57 sec]
Dru!: Wetland
Rose-Marie Lescure: "Abstraction"
Dru!: Delta
Dru!: Waterfall in the Forest
geogblog2: Lake Ontario
geogblog2: Etobicoke Creek, Long Branch ON [1:10 mins]
Dru!: Melting Down
geogblog2: Asa Danforth Park [1:25 mins]
geogblog2: Water Table
geogblog2: Highland Creek [2:06 mins]
geogblog2: Highland Creek
Dru!: In the Gorge
geogblog2: Brick and Pebble Beach
geogblog2: Brick and Pebble Beach
Dru!: Channel
Dru!: In the Tube
geogblog2: Bellamy Ravine [2:10 mins]
geogblog2: Slow Wave
unicoherent: our bodies are a wonderland - diptych version
unicoherent: Dog Bowl - Dedicated to aliivibrio
unicoherent: Torn Anatomy Chart, Duplicated, in Oval Frame, Replica
geogblog2: Chilly River [2:21 mins]
unicoherent: lighting matters - 3 different lighting conditions