sweetsares: a heart in the snow
PJR Photography: Pink Rose Heart - Ready for Valentines Day!
CraptasticPhotog: Berry Much
CraptasticPhotog: Porcelain Heart
. c h r i s t i n a .: seeds of love
CraptasticPhotog: Eternal Love
wemilyw: our love is a collage..perfectly fits together
~anjie: burst into sf
*jenni.: something in the mud
danasparkle: All you need is... LOVE_s&t
sweetsares: last night she gave me a shiny, sparkly heart
sweetsares: a nice little gift
DA!-S: if it isn't possible to be broken hearted and grateful at the same time then I just don't know where I am or what i feel
wemilyw: for you..
~anjie: love tower
sweetsares: this morning is so beautiful and so sad
DA!-S: even when it's cold and damp it's still pretty neat
sweetsares: if you look close enough, it's everywhere
DA!-S: it almost was
sweetsares: love in the morning
DA!-S: i wonder if the other 15% of my heart will ever join the rest
DA!-S: i love the first flush of fall