R.O. - Performance: Morgenröte / Dawn
the best maio: IMG_2088bn
R.O. - Performance: Kaffeebohnen / Coffee Beans
R.O. - Performance: Fischreiher / Heron
R.O. - Performance: Altes Instrument / Old Instrument
R.O. - Performance: Gitarre / Guitar
R.O. - Performance: Wasserfall / Waterfall
R.O. - Performance: Negligee / Negligé
R.O. - Performance: Holsterturm Nieheim
the best maio: ferro è anima.......... iron is soul
R.O. - Performance: Fischreiher / Heron
R.O. - Performance: Amsel / Blackbird
R.O. - Performance: Wassertropfen / Waterdrop
R.O. - Performance: Treibholz / Drift Wood
R.O. - Performance: Schloß Bückeburg / Castle Bückeburg
R.O. - Performance: Gefrorener Teich / Frozen Pond
R.O. - Performance: Sonnenaufgang / Sunrise
R.O. - Performance: Ente im Winter / Duck in Winter
the best maio: on the car
R.O. - Performance: Kunst / Art
R.O. - Performance: Kalte Jahreszeit / Cold Season
R.O. - Performance: Gefrorenes Blatt / Frozen Leaf
R.O. - Performance: Elefant / Elephant
the best maio: subway in HK #3