Pau Mumú: damsel in distress
Pau Mumú: Abuela panadera
Chamán: Te quiero mamá
Juan D. Martinez: Grandma's Hand
Richard_a_Cárdenas: Escultor en Queilen
frayter: MacDonald Doña Lola Resort (Mijas)
frayter: Baby-Boom 1970
frayter: Enriqueta y su tía (1915)
frayter: Santuario de Santa María Magdalena (Novelda)
frayter: Quinto cumpleaños
frayter: Terra Natura (Benidorm)
Dana L. Brown: mercado de Jamaica
marianopirozzo1: Grandma and baby
jonasdm: A windy day
MrsBigBird77: The youth keeps the elder young.
MrsBigBird77: Strength is not what you bench, it is what your story is and how you live. You can complain or push through. You learn from mistakes, heartaches and the sacrifices to do better, do more and be more. Lessons taught by this beautiful woman, my Mama.
MrsBigBird77: Only Grandchildren can get away with with funny faces when you just want to take a photo of the generations together.
Sergiosanz95: See you soon grandmather!
Sergiosanz95: Grandfather
Cristian Barra A+B: Cáhuil 2015 | incendio forestal
Cristian Barra A+B: 22.09.2013
cigornia: Walk into the wild
Richard_a_Cárdenas: #InspiracionBdF3 - te veo, gracias
itsas etxea(A.TIFE): ARIANE Y YO
Richard_a_Cárdenas: Reflejo de una espera #InspiracionBdF23
Mauro Uliassi: SimArco
viejitacibernetica: Ella..... la Yoguista