bird flew: when the levee breaks.....
American Red Cross: Hurricane Gustav - We'll be there to help you after the storm! 09.04.2008
geauxlouisiana: Hurricane Gustav 2008, Grid 5
glennaa: Evacuation Route
Beast of Traal: IMG_5550
Beast of Traal: IMG_5504
Beast of Traal: with out power for nine days
American Red Cross: Hattiesburg, MS 8.29.08
bird flew: IMG_8800
dermoidhome: Clean-up After Gustav
dermoidhome: Clean-up After Gustav
dermoidhome: Clean-up After Gustav
dermoidhome: Clean-up After Gustav
bird flew: Grand Isle
dermoidhome: Day after Gustav, our backyard
dermoidhome: Our Frontyard During the Hurricane
dermoidhome: Lane Cleaning up ......
dermoidhome: Roots Uprooted
dermoidhome: It was the 'Green House'
dermoidhome: Tangle of trees on the Transformer
dermoidhome: Sam is inspecting the mess
dermoidhome: More of Pine on Oak with Sycamore
dermoidhome: Our current most prized possession!
dermoidhome: Our house one week later
dermoidhome: Remains of Storage Shed
dermoidhome: Strength of the Wind
dermoidhome: Clearing the path into our little woodlot
bird flew: IMG_8808
geauxlouisiana: Hurricane Gustav 2008, Grid 4