Geekgirly: Nulle
Geekgirly: noth·ing
Geekgirly: "I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure....
Geekgirly: "Mel·an·chol·y is not bad thing." ~ Sting
Geekgirly: Miami Diva
just a girl with a camera: i'm just an angel driving blindly through this world
just a girl with a camera: I'm quite tired
just a girl with a camera: so simplistic it kicks and screams
Owl Eyes 78: Summer Cottons to Winter Wools...
Owl Eyes 78: ...i am comforted in knowing that a "normal" life would be boring...
rebelshootsfan: bye for now. you guys rock
rebelshootsfan: crazy but true: the end is near
Owl Eyes 78: ...this circle of love has no end...
rebelshootsfan: kickin it old school with kodak
Owl Eyes 78: ...that which does not kill us, can only make us stronger...
rebelshootsfan: one tranquil morning at the lake
rebelshootsfan: just seven more days to go
fwumpbungle (broomephoto): 365:2:364 .. Ramshackled
rebelshootsfan: helping hands come in many sizes
rebelshootsfan: i've been self-centered this sunday
fwumpbungle (broomephoto): 365:2:363 .. Scratch
fwumpbungle (broomephoto): 365:2:362 .. 3,2,1, Action!
Owl Eyes 78: i am so over it...