r.a. paterson: home front with snow effect, no.1-1 (2018)
r.a. paterson: home front, no.1-2 (2018)
r.a. paterson: home front, no.1-3 (2019)
r.a. paterson: home front no.1-1 (2018)
r.a. paterson: home front no.1-2 (2019)
r.a. paterson: home front no.1-3 (2020)
r.a. paterson: habitat restoration in progress (please do not enter)
r.a. paterson: the slumber queen
Bill 4.5 Million views: Moss Rock Park climber
r.a. paterson: on dry land (under cover)
r.a. paterson: on dry land (under cover)
r.a. paterson: hide that pony (almost under cover)
r.a. paterson: suburban driveway (under cover)
r.a. paterson: pallets & shopping cart by a side door
r.a. paterson: leave a light on
Bill 4.5 Million views: Blizzard of '22 Alumni Trail Hike
r.a. paterson: christmas spirit
r.a. paterson: landscape detail with palm tree (snow effect)
Bill 4.5 Million views: Monday Morning Coming Down
r.a. paterson: home front detail (fire escape)
r.a. paterson: home front detail (the blue door)
r.a. paterson: the back side detail (yellow door)
r.a. paterson: home front detail (the yellow door)
r.a. paterson: home front detail (the yellow door)
r.a. paterson: home front detail (the yellow door)
r.a. paterson: home front detail (the red door)
r.a. paterson: home front detail (red door)
r.a. paterson: urban renewal (infill housing)
r.a. paterson: building site detail (snow effect)