Gila Mosaics n'stuff: Artel Drop Off
Gila Mosaics n'stuff: Cardinal Landing
prondis_in_kenya: GPO mosaic sculpture
animozaik: Home Sweet Home &Mosaic snail
valerie nardin: 2020-05-22_11-29-55
Waschbear - Frances Green: Goddess of Chaos mosaic wall art
Gila Mosaics n'stuff: Hands - Tower of Contemplation
Gila Mosaics n'stuff: Tower of Contemplation - Digging Out & Rising Up
Waschbear - Frances Green: white mosaic piggy bank
Waschbear - Frances Green: Blue Mosaic Bottle
Waschbear - Frances Green: Blue mosaic bottle
animozaik: Mosaic CHRISTMAS TREE
animozaik: Mosaic CHRISTMAS TREE
animozaik: Mosaic CHRISTMAS TREE
animozaik: Mosaic CHRISTMAS TREE
animozaik: Mosaic statue
animozaik: Mosaic statue
animozaik: Mosaic statue
animozaik: Mosaic Snail 😉
animozaik: Mosaic Snail 😃
MR38.: Roman Floor Mosaic - Bath England
valerie nardin: 2019-09-16_09-27-56
valerie nardin: 2019-08-03_08-40-37
valerie nardin: 2019-07-15_09-07-44
Kim Larson Art: Lucky 1 shadow Lo Res
Kim Larson Art: Lucky 2 shadow Lo Res