ruhama quadir: Lighthouse II
nicolas.astruc12: Promenade nocture
abe.aviles: Landscape with lone tree
ruhama quadir: foolish
charcoal soul: Artsy
Oscar W. Rasson: DSD_6759
Oscar W. Rasson: DSD_6745
charcoal soul: Self-timer self-portrait
charcoal soul: Self portrait in car mirror.
strawberrhi: (it was cold)
strawberrhi: did I dream too big & do I have to let it go
Natu ~: Cordillera de los andes
CapturedByBethann: River Mirror
CapturedByBethann: Shadow Fern
CapturedByBethann: enjoying mountain views
CapturedByBethann: golden hour hike
CapturedByBethann: fighting over nectar
CapturedByBethann: sunset in the meadow
CapturedByBethann: early morning Luna
CapturedByBethann: sunrise in the meadow