alden0249: last one
alden0249: misty morning
alden0249: ready to leave
alden0249: flower
alden0249: build it and they will come - I hope
alden0249: minimal
alden0249: almost gone
alden0249: Diptera
alden0249: lemon
alden0249: everyone loves dahlias
alden0249: leaf
alden0249: the unwelcome visitor
alden0249: classic point and click pic
estudiocreativa: ayuda para continuar en esto
alden0249: bit of a shower
alden0249: IMG_3539
alden0249: IMG_3528
alden0249: one drop
alden0249: raindrops keep falling
alden0249: IMG_3511
alden0249: the world turned upside down
alden0249: fruit bowl
alden0249: in profile
alden0249: the Huntsman in my garden shed
alden0249: bee on salvia
alden0249: drops on a lily
alden0249: raindrops in a row
alden0249: Hebe
alden0249: raindrops
alden0249: tomato