Le Petrin: Country Bread (FD)
cindystarblog: french bread-batards
cindystarblog: french bread-batards
cindystarblog: poppy seed rolls
cindystarblog: focaccia soffice barese
cindystarblog: focaccia soffice barese
cindystarblog: pane di matera
nat_lau: Salad hidden inside bread (Puff Balls)
buxeda: Pa amb tomàquet
buxeda: Pa
cindystarblog: panini alla birra-beer buns-bbd 51
cindystarblog: panini alla birra-bbd 51
cindystarblog: pane & co.
cindystarblog: pane di matera
cindystarblog: pane di matera
Un dejeuner de soleil: Focaccia pugliese
Un dejeuner de soleil: Flour - Farine
Un dejeuner de soleil: Grissini au sésame et blé dur
nat_lau: White bread
nat_lau: Levain with Nuts and Light Muscovado Sugar
Un dejeuner de soleil: Brioche à la banane et chocolat
cospésnoaire: Panadería
buxeda: Pa amb tomàquet
buxeda: Pa
nat_lau: Simple Levain with Hint of Honey
Un dejeuner de soleil: Tiella di Gaeta, a very special pizza
buxeda: Pane
buxeda: Pa
buxeda: Pa