PikturesArts Photographe: Jaya - Rottweiler
mslinhn91: 🐶🐶
mslinhn91: My little (not so little anymore) lady is nearly 3! 😁Been absent for quite some time but back at it ❤
Piutre: Plush Rottweiler by Piutre
mslinhn91: IMG_20160708_153520
mslinhn91: 🐶❤
mslinhn91: 1 year 5 months, my little (not so little anymore) lady ❤
mslinhn91: What did you say!?
mslinhn91: Watching Tv ❤
mslinhn91: Tug of war, who will win?
mslinhn91: DSC_0044
mslinhn91: Resting after playtime ❤
mslinhn91: 10 months ❤
mslinhn91: "The real voyage of discovery consists of not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." - Marcel Proust
mslinhn91: ❤❤
mslinhn91: Comparisons! Lexi at 8 weeks and 6.4kg Then at 7 months and 32kg ❤
mslinhn91: I didn't rip up the toilet paper mum, promise! ❤ The guilty face says it all! Lol
mslinhn91: Mum can we please take this off!!
mslinhn91: As stated in a previous photo, "it wouldn't be long until i was falling asleep on you" ❤
mslinhn91: Snuggled up ❤
mslinhn91: Two happy pups after a groom! ❤
yousif.alhashimi: I am here with you
mslinhn91: My gorgeous little lady
mslinhn91: Lexi @ 8 weeks
mslinhn91: Can you stop taking photos so we can go to sleep!!