danuprimanto: Dark cloud
osmangranda: drogaestereo "work in progress"
my dog sighs: tagged
my dog sighs: Mydog colab
ursonate: white wires
_ okat: lost my virginity.
_ okat: just an alcholic.
_ okat: girls panties.
_ okat: found god.
_ okat: define me.
_ okat: define family.
_ okat: air jordans.
ZETA Productions: Generic as i wanna be!
_ okat: big sunglasses.
_ okat: on myspace.
_ okat: started a blog.
_ okat: criticize everything.
ZETA Productions: Generic is the way of all
_ okat: my popped up shirt collar.
_ okat: fake boobs & plastic lips.
_ okat: fake boobs & plastic lips.
_ okat: i'm unique.
_ okat: cheesy music.
_ okat: pills for everything.
_ okat: ipod lust.
_ okat: forced labor.
kate*: areyougeneric
_ okat: chain restaurant.
_ okat: gas-guzzling suv.