stusmith_uk: westminster abbey poets corner
stusmith_uk: blake memorial
lenyrae♥: sur la plage abandonnée
lenyrae♥: Le printemps
lenyrae♥: suis moi !
Ai Junkie: The Dancing Princess Poem
Ai Junkie: Summers in Atlantic City Poem
Ai Junkie: Lavender Sunrise - Poem
Ai Junkie: My Fathers Work Boots Poem
lenyrae♥: la vie en rose
stusmith_uk: westminster abbey
stusmith_uk: clarinda
Seoirse: (Possible) Tombstone Of William Patterson
Seoirse: An Gorta Mór
jayita2013september: october writing
jayita2013september: my poetry 2020
Seoirse: Mary as Queen of Heaven
Seoirse: Herring Gull in Flight
Seoirse: Timerous Beastie
Seoirse: Kay Park Burns Monument
Seoirse: Bonnie Lesley Monument, Stevenston, Ayrshire
Seoirse: I wandered lonely as a cloud.
Seoirse: Scots wurds in Irvine
Seoirse: Robert Burns
Seoirse: Rum Barrel RSS discovery
jayita2013september: frog poetry!
jayita2013september: a short poetry
Colin Bell Writer: Poetry Launch Lewes