John A. McCrae: A good brushing may be in order
Worcestershire UK: The Majestic Lakeland
John A. McCrae: Anthing is paws-ible
John A. McCrae: Fin’s corduroy ears
John A. McCrae: Someone needs attention
John A. McCrae: "Fin, I'm glad we had this talk"
Worcestershire UK: SlowMo Teddington
Worcestershire UK: Monkey & The Stick 🐾
Worcestershire UK: August Summer
pushbike billy: new version-1-18
John A. McCrae: Ha, that’s a good one - tell me another one
pushbike billy: new version-1-32
John A. McCrae: Caught you!
Worcestershire UK: Ted ❤ Woolacombe
pushbike billy: new version-1-7
John A. McCrae: Fin tacitly acknowledges Pawther's Day
John A. McCrae: “What do dogs do on their day off?
John A. McCrae: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” ~ Dr. Seuss
Worcestershire UK: Waiting for Grumpy to wake up
Worcestershire UK: Too warm for Ted
Worcestershire UK: Comfy Spot
pushbike billy: new version-1-22
pushbike billy: new version (1 of 1)-30
pushbike billy: new version (1 of 1)-12
pushbike billy: new version (1 of 1)-4
John A. McCrae: Patience Fin - only 10 days to go
Worcestershire UK: The Feral one 😈
Worcestershire UK: Woolacombe Dawn Dawg