teejayph: Testing The Prototype - The Telephone
teejayph: The New Banking App
Glen Bledsoe: The Pizza Augur
Aviles, Jr.: Leprechauns Chilling on Their Paddy-O
A flowing journey: A pint of Dark Side?
A flowing journey: Exotic pets for sale
teejayph: Jessie Wainscotting, Seer
Glen Bledsoe: Resident Intern in Surgery
aberrantart: "Shark Attack, Giverny"
Glen Bledsoe: Icon: The Madonna of Pisa
aberrantart: "A Valentine's Poem"
Glen Bledsoe: Pizza Dancer
Glen Bledsoe: What do you like on your pizza, big guy?
Glen Bledsoe: Pizza Ferrari
Aviles, Jr.: It's Fun to Stay at the YMCA!
aberrantart: "Earwax"
Aviles, Jr.: The Shrek Files
teejayph: Light on their feet
Glen Bledsoe: The Hood Ornament
Glen Bledsoe: Pizza-disiac
Glen Bledsoe: Bizarro Trump
Glen Bledsoe: Hard Candy
Glen Bledsoe: The Adoration
teejayph: The Suffered Consequence
Crash Symbols: Alexander Hamilton's prediction of Trump/MAGA
Glen Bledsoe: Ernie Hauser, Ghost Hunter
Glen Bledsoe: Photography
Glen Bledsoe: "Where were you the morning of January 6th?"
Glen Bledsoe: Sheriff Potter’s Lively Humbug Band