urbansmoke1: City-Hall
urbansmoke1: Detached-house-for-sale
urbansmoke1: IR-Country-Lane
fs999: Night Church
fs999: Tree on the Road
G.Toma: Taurisano colour infrared
G.Toma: rural church
G.Toma: digital IR
G.Toma: digital IR
G.Toma: digital IR
G.Toma: My first "good" digital EIR
amywonderland: Country Road
Alan Barr: Philadelphia, 2011
Alan Barr: Philadelphia, 2011
Raphael Koerich: Colosseo
Elena iPhoneography: Flirty Cha Cha Cha
Elena iPhoneography: Whatever Lola Wants
Elena iPhoneography: Tardes en el mundo
fs999: White and Black
Alan Barr: Rensselaerville, NY
fs999: Frosty
fs999: Thinking
itonys: Trees in B/W
itonys: wall with texture
Janet Sipl: Infrared Church Hale Farm
itonys: The AEGEON Tower
itonys: Cactus - IR in the Desert
Gruenemann: Durham Castle fake ir