The Sci-fi Nerd: Bravo Lead Col. Xheth Kinnier
The Sci-fi Nerd: 2nd Lt. Luca Tahm
The Sci-fi Nerd: Spec. Jerik Karseer
The Sci-fi Nerd: Maj. Mia Sanray
The Sci-fi Nerd: Capt. Rensin Klé
wee_shaun: Police Station
wee_shaun: Police Station
Mr. Block: Unmanned Combat System: Goliath
Mr. Block: Unmanned Combat System: Goliath
The Sci-fi Nerd: Captain Isen "Zero" Milla
The Sci-fi Nerd: NF-6 Viran
The Sci-fi Nerd: From an observers perspective
The Sci-fi Nerd: MARKSMAN precision sniper suit
The Sci-fi Nerd: MARKSMAN precision sniper suit
The Sci-fi Nerd: Heavy Trooper
The Sci-fi Nerd: NS-50 Sniper Rifle
scarthehitfish: x-3 r- not an entry
scarthehitfish: x-3 a- not an entry
scarthehitfish: compound d
scarthehitfish: pickup 1
Zåçh Ç: APC entry for LUGNuts
scarthehitfish: merc troopers x squad
lego sas: RRM SFAU
scarthehitfish: cons warpig b
Tehbau: SpecOps? squad
scarthehitfish: roll call
scarthehitfish: jedi monkey