Scrambler27: One of the bad guys!
Scrambler27: Fire ravaged
Scrambler27: The ravages of logging
Dru!: The Eye that Closed
seattlerayhutch45: Unentangled Data
Dru!: Supraglacial 2019
Dru!: Supraglacial Tarn
seattlerayhutch45: Abandoned Seat of Power
Dru!: Frozen Atmosphere
Dru!: Collapse
Dru!: Sunrise Ice
Dru!: Verde
sfPhotocraft: Scary Rattle Snake
Dru!: Blood Splatter Frozen In Ice
Dru!: Logjammin'
sfPhotocraft: US Airways Ticket Counter in Philadelphia
Dru!: Botanie Fire
Julie70 Joyoflife: Broken, like my leg
sfPhotocraft: Chinese Pollution
Dru!: Refinery
Julie70 Joyoflife: Jour d'Europe à Hotel Ville Paris -7
alexandrevoyage: Varanasi, Assi ghât
sfPhotocraft: Chinese Sign - HUH?????
sfPhotocraft: Tie you stuff down when you drive on the highway!
sfPhotocraft: Oh, Oh!
sfPhotocraft: A Pet peeve of Mine!
seattlerayhutch45: Seaside Kite-Eating Tree
sfPhotocraft: Wintery Munich Night!