art by erin leigh: What you are comes to you
Amy Sperry Faldet: Soft dreams photo I
Beate Knappe: Embellisher Recycling
Amy Sperry Faldet: When a faery dreams IV
kezwan: Spring Fantasy
Amy Sperry Faldet: Stop by APWarts if you could and vote for my solo exhibit
Ronnie Biccard: Persephone Goddess of Rebirth
Amy Sperry Faldet: Divine Ostara saves the bird
Amy Sperry Faldet: Faery Fare
azalea lover: My home, my shelter...
Amy Sperry Faldet: Snowdrops on a perfect morning
jsbanks42: Nature's Journey Blu Ray Spring.jpg
Amy Sperry Faldet: They watched with surprise by Amy Sperry Faldet
Amy Sperry Faldet: Spring by Amy Sperry Faldet
Amy Sperry Faldet: Vrai the honesty elf
Amy Sperry Faldet: The Month of the Anam Cara the soul friends
Amy Sperry Faldet: My love I am the Wind on the sea I am the Ocean Wave by Amairgen
Amy Sperry Faldet: Faery mischief art to a friend
Amy Sperry Faldet: When their mortal lives are as short as a breath
Amy Sperry Faldet: Sometimes a sketch or a footprint is all you need faery
Amy Sperry Faldet: The most important decision one can make is to decide once and for all whether the Universe you are a part of is supportive or nonsupportive
Amy Sperry Faldet: Portal of light faery for A Perfect World Gallery World of Imagination Show in New York
Amy Sperry Faldet: Good joke mermaid
Amy Sperry Faldet: A section of one of the twelve by twelves for the New York show mother of morning faery
Amy Sperry Faldet: Millions of wishes with just one breath faery
Hands and Heart: Flower of Love
Amy Sperry Faldet: Thank-you dear
Amy Sperry Faldet: If we had keen vision and feeling for all ordinary human life, it would be
Amy Sperry Faldet: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is