cmaccubbin: Scheduled
tinm@n: Morning tea
Eni Turkeshi Imagery: Solitary afternoons
Count Rushmore: The Wild Bunch
Dalmatica: Return of the Robot Girl
Count Rushmore: Duett in the Streets of Edinburgh
Count Rushmore: Peace & Love Bug - San Francisco
Count Rushmore: Deck view -USS Hornet
tinm@n: High Noon
tinm@n: San Giorgio Maggiore
Rinthe: Dusk
Rinthe: Sunlit
tinm@n: I love to paint
Rinthe: Lined up with no where to go
Dalmatica: True
oedipusphinx — — — — theJWDban: Pamela Courson & Jim Morrison apotheosized as Persephone & Dionysos
tinm@n: Ghetto Rain
tinm@n: Venezia Canal Grande
>chercher la femme<: dallas bare trees (ii)
NYCandre: Busking in the shadows
prcralexandra: rupture
knowlan: 222.365 - Sideways