jac malloy: Weldon Henson, Texas Made Honky Tonk
jac malloy: Least Bittern
jac malloy: Pelican Sunset
Tom E.S.: die kleine grüne Oase
the.grant: Wanting Food
melillojh: DSC00798
melillojh: DSC02584
ilarius: Piovanello tridattilo - Sanderling - Bécasseau sanderling - Drieteen strandloper - Correlimos tridactilo - Sandlopare ( Calidris alba )
Bram Reinders(I'M BACK): Vink-Common Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
rexfoto54: Street dancing competition (f)
rexfoto54: Street dancing competition (g)
jac malloy: 10,000 Maniacs w/Mary Ramsey
jac malloy: Warbler hunting for spiders in those empty seed pods.
jac malloy: Roseate Spoonbills playing a game of "King of the Log."
Studio d'Xavier: The Regimental Fireplace
roobrew: A Man's Best Friend
roobrew: Farm Equipment
Photo Crazy Rob: Dandelion Clock
Jimmychalmers: Green fields and Golden Gorse.
NikosLiapis: Liquefied magic
wild prairie man: 2404_1001 Two Cow Moose With Calves
RURO photography: 123 Catherine
Bram Reinders(I'M BACK): Platbuik-Broad bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa)
the.grant: Peaceful Haven
Tom E.S.: Lightpaiting with Lensballs
Tom E.S.: Lightpaiting with Lensballs
Tom E.S.: Lightpaiting with Lensballs
Bram Reinders(I'M BACK): Braamsluiper-Lesser Whitethroat (Sylvia curruca)