Ms. Jen: The Interior of Alex's Bar all dressed up for Xmas
Brian Bubonic: Joe Buck Yourself - Teen Beat
Lee Kaser: Thee Oh Sees
Lee Kaser: Thee Oh Sees
Lee Kaser: Thee Oh Sees
Lee Kaser: Total Control
Lee Kaser: Total Control
Brian Bubonic: How many Milkmen can you fit in a photo booth?
Brian Bubonic: <--UP-->DOWN
Brian Bubonic: Drug Train
Brian Bubonic: Demon In My Head
Brian Bubonic: true blood
Brian Bubonic: Rage In The South
Brian Bubonic: Gory Gory Hallelujah
Kealoha1981: One word to describe that night: HOT!
Brian Bubonic: Ted Marcus
Brian Bubonic: Curt Kirkwood
Brian Bubonic: Cris Kirkwood
Lee Kaser: Stab City
Lee Kaser: Stab City at Alex's Bar in Long Beach California
Lee Kaser: Stab City - Alex's Bar
Lee Kaser: Stab City @ Alex's Bar Long Beach
Lee Kaser: Revolution Mother
Lee Kaser: Revolution Mother
Lee Kaser: Mike Vallely with bloody nose - Revolution Mother
Lee Kaser: Revolution Mother
Lee Kaser: Mike Vallely
Lee Kaser: Mike Vallely
Brian Bubonic: Out Of Order
Brian Bubonic: Joe Buck on Banjo